I love my current life. My Now where have you been! I feel in the times we stray, well some would define straying from God as when you seem to be only attracting "bad" things, those things you do not want. When God says He has had enough of you not obeying HIs word and for everything He punishes you. However at one point in your life you start to realize that those things don't feel good. Why would a all knowing loving God want you to feel bad until He gives you something Good. What kind of Conditional Deity is this! I then started on this idea of thoughts in my marriage. I had to realize that my husband is 38 years old, 3 months, 2 weeks old today ( this was written a while ago so even at this moment he has grown).
If according to research done on www.successconsciousness.com, the average person has 12,000 - 60,000 thoughts in a day. At this moment my husband may have had over 100 million thoughts right now. I have no idea who he is. But I love him. Who I do know. His spirit give me the feeling that this is all I need. This. Is. Us. We have always been and will be.
In Partnerships you have to constantly work on yourself as if you are perfecting skills in all aspects of life. In the same website mentioned, the article mentions to list all thoughts that are negative and counter it with a positive one. Our thoughts that are able to spew out over and over again are those that if the are counterintuitive to what we want, why even conjure the thought/belief/feeling that evokes the very feeling of what you don't want? If society, family, anything outside of you influences you to go to the very belief that evokes the emotion of something you don't want. Work on helping yourself to cope and trust the universe to provide to you all that you need. By doing the exercise, the author of this article suggest, just as you are coached and taught to believe the very belief that you have, you have to practice to think the other way. Go towards the better feeling/belief/thought.. Another way is to slow down thoughts through meditation, even one minute of no thought can help in moment where you are feeling overwhelmed.
Don't let you thoughts bother you. Practicing to go for the better feeling has to be practiced. Its a journey. A glorious one if you choose for it to be by the way you think about it!
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